Recently in our Facebook Group

In our Facebook Group, Lesly posted: “Hi y’all! I’m the ladypreneur of Tchoup Vintage and have been struggling lately, creatively. I haven’t been inspired to rebrand and expand Tchoup. I have a couple ideas of what I want to do next but just...

Weekly Roundup: 1989?

I’m a longtime fan of visual artist, Rebecca Rebouche. Over the upcoming months, she’s releasing 13 paintings surprisingly inspired by Ryan Adams’ cover of Taylor Swift’s 1989. I am head over heels for the first 4 pieces. We’ve built up an image of what creativity is...

Guide: Grow Your Instagram Following

[one-half-first][/one-half-first] [one-half] As a small business owner there’s a lot of pressure to always be on top of things and unfortunately too often social media gets pushed to the backburner. It’s hard to remember to update your Instagram account when you’re...

Weekly Roundup: don’t touch my hair

The new Solange album, “A Seat at the Table” has been on constant rotation for me this week. I am totally in love with the aesthetic vision from the new music video for “Don’t Touch My Hair.”   I literally laughed out loud at this one. 9 tricks to appear smart in...

Curious Directory

I’m still accepting submissions for the free Creative Entrepreneur Directory. Here’s how it will work. After I receive the first 100 applications, I’m going to choose 30 businesses to add to the list. If you consider yourself an online educator/coach,...

Weekly Roundup: The path is the way

I just finished the novel, The Assistants by Camille Perri. Via Good Reads: “A wry and astute debut about a young Manhattanite whose embezzlement scam turns her into an unlikely advocate for the leagues of overeducated and underpaid assistants across the city.” 101...