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What: One of Many is a monthly series of photo essays about twelve American cities and their creative communities.

Who: Designers, woodworkers, chefs, engineers, illustrators, writers and anyone else making something that moves people.

Why: To inspire and be inspired by the independent creative movement that is reshaping our economy and culture. To encourage others to make the leap. To empower those already there, and let them know they’re not alone.

Why Now: The growing creative independent movement, along with renewed interest in life outside the big cities, is rapidly reshaping our economy and culture. Read much more at and find below the seventh of twelve One of Many essays.

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Justin Shiels is a creative director, graphic designer and web strategist. He moved to New Orleans pre-Katrina to attend Loyola University, and now runs his boutique design studio This Creative Lab. Justin also runs local lifestyle guide and events companyGo Invade, for which he recently hired his first ever part-time sales person. This will allow him to focus on the print and online content curation as the project grows. Hiring a first employee can be quite daunting, especially if you’re used to doing it all by yourself. Learning how to delegate and trust, how to manage, dealing with payroll and things of that nature. It can be quite challenging, but if it’s done well it allows growth otherwise perhaps not possible.