This post is a part 2 of 7 of the Create and Conquer Email Series: Original illustrations paired with inspirational messages, giving you the creative confidence to make a plan and get what you want. Click now to subscribe to the email list.

02 - first step

Now that you have the big picture vision, the next step is to plan.

Yes, its scary putting pen to paper and really thinking about the steps you have to take to get what you want; but there’s magic in writing your intentions down.

Something beautiful happens when you tell the universe what you want.

In general, I’ve found that most goals fit into one of these major buckets: Career, Relationships, Finances, Spirituality, Mind, Body, and Experience. They are the starting point for narrowing down the reality we want to create.

Your assignment today is to take those vague ideas from last week and transform them into actionable goals.

You might have mentioned leaving your day job to pursue a freelance career, getting back in touch with your spirituality, or spending more quality time with your family.

Each of these goals are admirable, but they’re not specific enough to measure the results, which means they probably won’t happen.

What do you need to accomplish before you leave your job?

How do you plan to get in touch with your spirituality?

How often will you have quality time with your family?

The first step in transforming a goal into a reality is to make it quantifiable. Below are examples that use specific time frames to make your goals more actionable.

I will save $5000 by April 2016, so I can leave my full time job without any fear.

I will spend 15 minutes 3 times a week meditating on things that I’m thankful for.

Once a month I will organize a family excursion.

Write it down and make it real.