An Update

Over the past week I’ve been focused on developing incredible content for the first 4 issues of the Curious Tribe magazine. I want this magazine to be more than just words and pictures. It’s genuinely important to me for each issue to have interactivity...

Weekly Roundup: The Feel Good

“Give light and people will find the way.” – Ella Baker   This week I wanted to specifically focus on spreading love, joy, and self care. Primarily, because if I hear one more thing about “he who shall not be named,” I might just explode. Here’s an original...


[one-half-first][/one-half-first] [one-half] Every great business first started as a simple idea. But as creative entrepreneurs, there is one truth we can all believe in: “Ideas are meaningless without action.” I’ve developed a process that is surprisingly...

Weekly Roundup: bauhaus perfection

I was looking for out of the box costume ideas for Halloween this year and these Bauhaus costume parties are the perfect inspiration. I’ve been slowly updating the Curious Tribe website, and the new blog is looking pretty good. The reason publishers are signing...

Looking for Headspace

I decided to take some time during the month of October to recalibrate. This led me to doing 10 days of meditation through the app Headspace. The 10 minute exercises make meditation accessible right from your iPhone. I’ll be honest, sitting still for that long is...