
It’s hard to imagine that a year ago I decided to leave my full time job at NOCCA to start my own design and marketing company.

12 months later and I have had the opportunity to work on a slew of amazing projects with interesting clients. There have been amazing triumphs and some scary moments, but overall it has been an empowering opportunity to trust in my talents and grow as a creative entrepreneur.

The highlights:

1. Building interactive websites for the Columbia University Film Festival, Church Alley Coffee Bar, and Calliope Consulting.

2. Designing and producing the menus for zodiac themed restaurant Ursa Major and a beautiful brochure for New Orleans Business Alliance.

3. Teaching my first-ever creative class: The Self Promotion Project.

4. Opening a collaborative shop on Oretha Castle Haley with Goods that Matter and the Stacks bookstore, which encouraged me to recently launch an Etsy shop.

5. Managing a team of bloggers to produce local lifestyle publication goINVADE.

Reflecting on the past year, is both humbling and exciting. My passion is creating meaningful experiences for mission-driven companies and I believe in the transformative power of design, strong messaging, and a clearly defined voice.

I am tremendously thankful for the amazing clients and my supportive friends and family that have been a part of the most amazing adventure of my life.

If you or anyone you know is interested in top-notch design solutions, visit thiscreativelab.com to request a quote on services.

Thank you!