This article originally appeared here.

A.C.E. Episode #012
Guest: Justin Shiels from

Let’s talk passive income.
Have you heard of it before?  Here’s how Pat Flynn describes it:

… so, you can see how alluring this model can be.  No more trading dollars for hours.


Most successful brands with an online presence have at least one way of collecting passive income. (via a digital workshop, ebook, etc.)  It takes a bit of work on the front end, but as your business grows the rewards multiply quickly.


Today’s guest: Justin Shiels is the creator of which started off as a lifestyle brand and side project to his full time job.


He and his team of writers seek out some of the most interesting and sometimes even underground ways to explore New Orleans’ diverse culture scene and has grown a notable following.  But for Justin, it’s only the beginning.


As the site started to grow, he saw it as a great opportunity to build revenue through passive income while keeping his full time job (an continues to expand his brand).


In the interview, he goes on to talk about what his growing website has taught him: a lot about himself, his skill set, and allows him to see the best opportunities to build off of.






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Massive Takeaway #1: Action brings clarity.

Instead of getting stuck and overwhelmed trying to find clarity and focus through your big idea… pare it down to manageable size.


Massive Takeaway #2:  There are no short-cuts to building a biz (None. Sorry!)

It just takes time.  In order to be successful, you have to do the work.  It takes a long time to create something that is meaningful.


No, really.  How does he pull off this amount of content ‘after hours’?

Justin’s 3 Productivity Tips:

  • creates a clear content plan for the entire month- he plans ahead
  • sets his writers up for success with defined topics & expectations
  • He’s a Batch-Master.  Meaning, he groups similar projects to knock them out in bulk. For instance, he writes his content for the whole month on one Saturday.(Yall, he writes 7 posts in a day- no more excuses for us!)


What are repeatable tasks that you can batch in your biz?
Let me know in the comments.