
It’s the ideas that stick with you that are the ones that you should pursue. I’ve always known that, but like most, I don’t always listen to my gut.

While traveling to Dublin and London, I realized a few things about myself:

  1. I really effing love traveling and I want it to be a bigger part of my life.
  2. My true passion has and probably always will be publishing.
  3. My biggest goal for the past few years has been helping creative entrepreneurs find the courage to build and grow their businesses.

Something clicked.

Almost instantly I knew that I wanted to build a community for creative entrepreneurs grounded with a monthly publication and podcast. But first, I wanted to make sure that there was a demand.

To test the concept, I recently launched a private Facebook group. My goal with the Create and Conquer Facebook group is to build a meaningful space for creative entrepreneurs across the United States to connect and grow their small businesses. If you’re in that number, I’d love for you to join.

Whether you’re a writer, artist, designer, stylist, blogger, furniture maker, florist, or anyone that considers their business to be creative, this is your place. Connect, engage, and learn from people just like you.

Click now to join


PS. We’ve already hit 100 members in the first week!