Every week I ask the subscribers of my email newsletter a simple question and randomly choose a winner to receive a small gift.

This week’s question: 

What’s one small act of kindness you’ve recently done for yourself or someone else?


The winning response:

Last week while I was driving, there was a homeless man on a corner with a “Please help” cardboard sign. Feeling like I couldn’t help because I don’t carry cash, I kept driving. But as I turned the corner, I glanced over at the box of Triscuits in the passenger seat. That was the only thing I could give. So I drove around the corner, hoping he would still be there (sometimes when I double back around, the person needing help is gone????????‍♀️). Thankfully, the man was still there.

I rolled down the passenger window and said, “I don’t have any cash, but would you like this box of crackers?”

He replied yes and took the box with a heartfelt “thank you.”



More answers from The Weekly Reset community: 

“We just moved from California to Georgia about 4 weeks ago. As a wife, mother of 3 boys and career woman I needed a break. So yesterday I decided to be kind to myself and enjoy a Mom Self-Care Day. I scheduled myself a full body hot stone massage, went and had some sushi for lunch and did a little shopping. It was such a beautiful day with nice weather. I did end the evening with a family movie night watching Spider Man with the boys. The joys of motherhood never stops. Rest, Recharge and Keep going!” – Raina


“The LinkedIn profile of the acquaintance of an acquaintance needed improvement. She was job searching unsuccessfully.  I kindly offered to help so we met via Zoom and did a LinkedIn profile makeover. For free of course. :)” – Laura


“Small act of kindness: planning a short hike to a waterfall with my family since some other plans for our day fell through.

For me:  revisiting things that bring me joy, such as sketching, writing, and making my own exercise plan.

Both are basically just showing up, for myself and others, but the act of showing up makes a huge impact!!” – Kelli


“I have been taking a few extra minutes to dress up in the morning and it feels great. I approach the day a bit differently and feel more confident.” – Femy

“Dropped off flowers to my friend, her grandpa is sick and she’s been feeling down.” – Maria

“Cleaned my apartment!!” – Emily

“Scheduling myself for a massage…which is a huge leap in self-care and feeling like I am worthy of feeling well. – Aimee

“My daughter left for a three week pilgrimage (World Youth Day 2023). I wrote a little note for her to read each morning and evening of her journey. NEXT time I will use JOY BOMBS!” – Jennifer

“I cleaned my boyfriend’s golf clubs & bag, along with his friends. I sent dinner and dessert to my neighbor lady, she lives alone.” – Megan