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You deserve a day to yourself–a chance to focus only on you and your mental health. And a reboot retreat is a small way to invest in your greater well-being.

Pick a day and schedule a time. Add it to your calendar, take the day off work, and decide that regardless of what pops up, you will stick to your plan.


Find a location. If you’re staying at home for the retreat, make sure that the house is clean so you don’t get distracted by the sudden urge to wash the dishes. If you can afford it, book a hotel for a night to fully get away and recharge. If you’re more budget conscious consider reserving a room at your local university library.


Create a flexible schedule. While you don’t want to be beholden to a list of to-dos during your reboot retreat, it’s a good idea to go in with a plan. Here’s a list of simple ideas to kickstart your brain: read an inspiring book, write a reflection on the past month in your journal. cue up a few TED talks you’ve been meaning to watch, do a 30-minute meditation, spend some time creating mood boards or painting, do some yoga or take a long run.


Allow yourself one big splurge purchase. Get that massage you promised yourself or go to that nice restaurant alone.


Do your best to disconnect. During the normal week, you allow yourself to watch tv, scroll endlessly on your phone, or be caught up in email. During your reboot retreat, try to let go of these attachments and instead focus fully on recharging your batteries.