Go Independent feature from byRegina

Go Independent feature from byRegina

I had the opportunity to be super awkward on camera with fellow introvert Regina, my new favorite infopreneur. Her new series Go Independent highlights creative entrepreneurs that have taken the leap. The highlights: The backstory: I’m a designer, writer,...
Speaker at AIGA Conference

Speaker at AIGA Conference

  Aside from planning Pursuit Creative Conference, I am thrilled to announce that I will be a speaker at the national AIGA conference in New Orleans this October. Founded in 1914 as the American Institute of Graphic Arts, AIGA remains the oldest and largest...
Pursuit Creative Conference

Pursuit Creative Conference

For the past few months I’ve been working on an incredible project that I’m pretty excited to introduce. Pursuit is a full-day conference designed to support creative entrepreneurs and their ventures. It is a community of mini empire makers who gather to share ideas,...